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Quality Control
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“Happy mankind & Conserved nature”. It is possible with TAEYOUNG E&T Technology.
Taeyoung E&T manages from material warehousing to shipping end products complying with GMP & ISO standard.
01. GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice)
We must follow the rules and meet the standards of these systems to manufacture upgraded medical appliances from the beginning to the end of our production processes. We strictly follow the process control in modernized and automatic manufacturing system to produce high quality medical appliances. We go through the screenings by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety every 3 years to implement strict quality assurance on our medical appliances as GMP enterprise.

Good manufacturing practices (GMP) are the practices required in order to conform to the guidelines recommended by agencies that control authorization and licensing for manufacture and sale of food, drug products, and medical device. These guidelines provide minimum requirements that a pharmaceutical or a food product manufacturer must meet to assure that the products are of high quality and do not pose any risk to the consumer or public.
02. ISO9001(International Quality Management System)
Taeyong E&T acquired its ISO9001 in 2002. We implement quality assurance system that is enforced and controlled by the ISO on all of our products and their manufacture processes.
03. ISO14001(International Environmental Management System)
Environment management is a concept that has expanded from the original quality management to the environment areas, and refers to the notion of having environment management as one of the philosophies of the business and minimizing the negative affect a business could have on the environment. Taeyong E&T’s environment management system lays out detailed goals and programs of environment management and regulates the organization, representatives, and processes to reach the goals. We also effectively divide managerial resources and manage them systematically.
04. FTA Certificate of product-specific approved exporter
This is a certificate system that the customs authorities provide to the exporter based on their ability of proof of origin and the observance of the relevant regulations.
Taeyoung E&T is a certified enterprise that has its proof of origin on each product with increased public confidence on our exporting products
Quality Control
For our product innovation, we establish our quality goals every year that are appropriate to our working principle.
We strictly follow all the regulations and laws as manufactures, and follow our quality assurance system to satisfy our customers.
Quality Control System
01. Quality Control We manage the products systematically to be supplied consistent quality conformity and safety.
02. Corrective & Preventive
As a most effective method to keep the appropriateness and the effectiveness of the products and the quality assurance system, we closely pay attention to our trial and error data and all of our experiences.
*Plan Do Check Action Replan
03. Corrective Action We remove the origins of the inappropriate situations and inconsistency and try every measures to prevent the situations from reoccurring.
* Correction: Removal of nonconforming item
* Corrective measures: Finding of the reason for the nonconforming items and preventing it from reoccurrence
04. Preventive Action Although we have not had an incident of nonconforming items, we analyze the reason for it based on our statistical data and the possibility of it happening and remove those origins.
Inspection of warehousing of goods
Materials are stored via inspecting suitability of product production by standard and guidelines.
We take care of the nonconforming items by our nonconforming item management system after testing.
We then establish our countermeasures and examine the effectivity of those measures
Process inspection
We are conducting intermediate inspections immediately after an important process is completed to prevent nonconforming products
transferring to the next process in the manufacturing process.
Materials and half-finished products found to be non-conforming will be immediately withdrawn and tightly controlled as non-conforming products.
Complete product inspection
We perform our final examination on our final product to see if it meets all of our customers’ standards.