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Water ionizer
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“Happy mankind & Conserved nature”. It is possible with TAEYOUNG E&T Technology.
Application of alkaline water
To cook lusciously glazed, delicious rice
To cook lusciously glazed, delicious rice
Wash the rice with acidic water 1~2 times and then rinse with purified water.
Use level-2 or level-3 alkaline water to soak the rice for about 30 minutes and then cook the create glutinous, glazed
rice with exceptional savory taste that doesn't spoil easily. (Use a smaller quantity of water than when cooking with
ordinary water.
To parboil vegetables to bring out their vivid colors
To parboil vegetables to bring out their vivid colors
Boiling colored vegetables with alkaline ionized waer brings out the natural vividness of the bright green and yellow
hues of the vegetables.
To enjoy barley or corn tea
To enjoy barley or corn tea
Just place the barley (or corn) tea bag in the alkaline ionized water. Even without boiling, the water's strong
absorbing, dissolving effects elicits 10 times more of the tea, creating a rich brew. This save the time and energy
usually consumed by boiling and cooling before storing the tea in the refrigerator.
To brew thick soups from beef or bone
To brew thick soups from beef or bone
When simmering thick soups from beef or bone, using alkaline ionized water brings out all the savory nutrients at once,
creating a deep and rich taste.
To tenderize meat dishes
To tenderize meat dishes
Marinating the meat in alkaline ionized water for 20~30 minutes enables you to enjoy a more tender dish.
For fried foods.
For fried foods.
When frying, using acidic water gives you a crispier and more savory result.
To add a deeper aroma and color to your tea
To add a deeper aroma and color to your tea
Our water removes the bitterness of coffee and the unappealing astringent taste of green tea while bringing out the tea's natural taste and aroma.
To create a smooth alcoholic drink or cocktail
To create a smooth alcoholic drink or cocktail
Our water adds a mildness and smoothness to the special drink or cocktail that you create, and ice made from our alkaline ionized water will add even greater flavor. Cocktails made with alkaline ionized water are relatively neutralized, and thus prevents hangovers.
To prepare brewed oriental medicine
To prepare brewed oriental medicine
When preparing brewed oriental medicine, try using our alkaline ionized water. It deeply penetrates the medicinal ingredients to bring out their beneficial effects, giving you a result superior to re-brewing and mixing.
Even plants appreciate our ionized water
Even plants appreciate our ionized water
Houseplants and garden vegetables such as peppers, lettuce, and leeks grow well when watered with our alkaline ionized water. Placing the seed in the water for about a day enables it to sprout and show healthy growth. Also excellent for raising soybean sprouts in your home kitchen.
If you're concerned about agri-chemicals and fertilizers contaminating
your vegetables and fruits
If you're concerned about agri-chemicals and fertilizers contaminating
your vegetables and fruits
If you wish to directly consume various vegetables and fruits, wash them with acidic water and finally rinse with alkaline water. The acidic water has strong oxidation power that can remove even bacteria, viruses, and agri-chemicals, and maintains the freshness and natural hues of the vegeatables and fruits during washing.
When cooking noodles
When cooking noodles
When boiling noodles, use acidic water make them glutinous and chewy. However, thicker noodles or pasta (such as udon noodles or spaghetti) may not be cooked easily with acidic water, so use alkaline water instead.
Application of acidic water
When washing kitchenware
When washing kitchenware
Acidic ionized water has excellent cleaning and disinfecting power and is thus optimal for use in washing dishes and kitchenware to maintain their gloss and cleanliness for a longer period.
When cleaning the bathroom or kitchen
When cleaning the bathroom or kitchen
Using strong acidic ionized water when cleaing the tiled floors of hallways, etc. greatly facilitates the removal of dust from every nook and cranny, and because the acidic ionized water dries quickly, it prevents stickiness.
Acne and Skin Problems
Acne and Skin Problems
Acid water from your water ionizer has an astringent effect and can be used with helping to treat or prevent acne, skin spots and other minor skin problems.
Washing the face with acidic water helps to make the skin smooth, and helps to improve the overall health and sheen of your skin.
Watering Plants
Watering Plants
Use it to water house plants or outside plants to promote growth. Plants respond well to acidic water – rain water is acidic.
Chapped Hands
Chapped Hands
May help to prevent chapped hands as well as speed recovery from chapping.
Pet Friendly
Pet Friendly
Bathe your pets with it for an overall healthier coat.
Cosmetics and Hair and Bath
Cosmetics and Hair and Bath
Rinse your hair with acidic water before and after shampooing to help prevent hair loss, dandruff, itchy scalp.
Insect Bites
Insect Bites
provides relief from the itch or sting of mosquito and bug bites.